Katie and Kissie

Katie and Kissie

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Good start to my morning

      There's nothing like starting  your day riding a horse. 
Went to see Kissie this morning, because I had a lesson with Lisa, it was a lot of fun. She was a little lazy today, and realllly wanted to slow everything down. I had to keep after her to keep her pace up! It's okay for today, I feel kind of lazy too. (we all have days like those!)

Lisa thinks she is really cute, and so do I, but her cuteness lets her get away with stuff sometimes! lol A lot of people think she is so cute, she has this cute trot, this cute way she carries herself, and she is just cute anyway. She found out where I hid my treats, I put them in a pocket and she puts her nose right there like she is asking for a treat its really cute. Now she expects that from me. 
My mom hasn't been there for a few weeks, and it was neat to see Kissie's reaction when she saw her. I think she likes my mom, but don't tell her I think that,  it would just go to her head. :) She calls her Kisser...UGH!

Last night Dad took me over for a quick visit.  I lunged her for a bit and then I let her free in the ring. It was a lot of fun let her go and she followed me around. I let her go by herself and she was having a ball! She was cantering around in circles it was just amusing watching her. It is so much fun playing with Kissie. I really think she is conected to me...it's kind of cool to see her reaction when I am with her. Like she feels content....you know what I mean? I like having that with her.

I made some big decisions today....I want to do it all...but I can't.
I don't know how long I will have the privledge of having a horse, so I am not going to waste any more time while she is here. I wanted to try out for the play Annie at school, but that would take up a lot of time. I also am going to cut out another activity I am in to spend more time at the farm. Right now I go there Tuesday's, Thursday's, and Saturday's and usually a Friday or Monday. I want to Start going regularly 4 days a week maybe 5. I also am going to start giving Allie some lessons. 
I am super excited about this! I started riding the fall before I turned 7, right about her age. I remember how nervous I was, but I had a really great instructor to help me!

I will go over and see her again tomorrow. I can't wait!

Happy New Year everyone!
I have so much to be thankful for!


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Here is a hug for a nice walk.

Finally seeing Eye to Eye.

Lunging Lead Free!

Look Grandpa and Nanna...No Hands!!!

Here Kissie, Kissie, Kissie...Good girl.