Katie and Kissie

Katie and Kissie

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dr. Dr. Who's got the Dr.

Well Ms. Kissie....what's next? lol

Kissie decided she wanted to do some off road, rolling last week, and got a nice cut in her hind left leg.  Looked like a puncture, but we really aren't sure what caused it, and unless Kissie starts talking (which would be pretty cool) we will never know. All I know is that Sunday it wasn't there, and on Tuesday I didn't notice it, you'd think I would?? But by Thursday, my lesson day, we noticed something was up. My instructor Lisa, Debbie, my Dad, even Rach and Ed watched me tack her up, and we all didn't notice it.  It wasn't until I got on her and Lisa looked at her from behind that we noticed the swelling. At this time it was just around the area where the cut was.  So we got off  and washed it off to inspect. I then walked her to get the blood moving and put cold water on it for about 10 minutes, she was not impressed. We called Nana to report, and she said to watch it.
By  8:30 Am we were back over there, and it was worse....umm a lot worse. The swelling was all the way down her leg to her hoof.  And you didn't need to stand behind her to notice. She was limping and favoring it, so we called Nana again and she called the Vets. She didn't want to mess around with an infection, and her gut told her this could be serious. I was glad because something didn't feel right with me either.
While we were there, we repeated the walking and cold water. Then Dad held her, while I held her front leg and mom sponged off the area.  It must have looked pretty funny with the three of us out there, but I am super proud of my mom and Dad. Mom then put the antibiotic cream in the wound. By this time Rachel came out (She is awesome!) and inspected. WE PASSED ! WOO HOO!

The vet came over and shaved and inspected the area, and gave her a shot - with a repeat shot in 4 days. We repeated this process Friday, Sat Morning and Night. By the night she looked 100% different.  I am so glad.
 When we visited her on Monday, she was back to her old self. Very frisky. The vet came again on Tuesday to give her a shot. Now my lesson is on Thursday, but that depends on her. If I ride her I will take it easy.

Phew! I am exhausted...how about you!
Well..have a great Wednesday


1 comment:

  1. I'm so very proud and pleased. You all did what I would have expected and it all thankfully turned out just fine. Chalk all of this up to a learning opportunity for all of you.
    Katie, look for something coming to you on the 20th from Fed X. Happy birthday girl.
