Katie and Kissie

Katie and Kissie

Monday, February 21, 2011

When is a lesson not boring?

When it's given on the back of a horse!
I would really love to give lessons someday, and my little Sis is my guinea pig right now.
It's fun to watch her expessions and remember how nervous I was all those years ago when I was 7 and had my first lesson at Pople Ridge. I can remember how big the horse was, and how scary it was to stand next to it.  I also remember my instructor at the time made me more frightened of the horse than I needed to be.  I want Allie to respect the horse, and know how to be around them safely, but I do not want her to fear them, especially Kissie. Respect does not mean fear.  SO here is a couple of videos to see some of what we did.

I introduced Allie to Kissie. How to mount properly, and then dismount. Allie needs to work on her core muscles, this will help her balance on the horse. And she needs to work on basic riding technique. Posture, heals, etc.  I didn't want to throw too much at her today, just get to know kissie.

This one we made special for Nana and Grandpa. :)

More to come later,


Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Girl.....

Okay, Okay, I will admit it I am in love with my horse. She is practically awesome and if I would have to guess, I would say she loves me back. :)
Check out this video of today. I must say this is the best feeling in the world to have something so beautiful and so amazing love and trust you enough to want to go where you go.  I have been accepted into her "herd", and I think that is such an amazing honor.
P.S. ignore my brother's Darth Vader breathing, he has a cold :) But I am thankful he helped me anyways, thanks buddy.

The weather has turned warmer, and I can smell spring...sniff, sniff...can't you?  It's just around the corner, and that means...yup you guessed it...more time with Kissie outdoors. I simply cannot wait. I really am itching to go on a trail ride. And to work on cantering with her in the outdoor ring.
On a more depressing note, I had my 4H presentation on Sunday. Pbllttt. I really don't mind doing them. This was my 4th and I did mine on Colic. I was great. Good eye contact and voice, Good information, except I totally forgot my summary! UGH! It destroyed me with points, so I was 1 point shy of a blue award.  My little sister totally rocked it and I swear she (shhh don't tell her) did bettter than me! Seriously, I did tell her, I was so proud of her and she was so stinkin cute!

Working on conditioning and getting Kissie in shape. I have so big plans for the summer...yeah!
I simply cannot believe that I can have her through the summer, someone pinch me :) Thanks so much Nana and Grandpa. This whole thing really is a dream come true...
Endurance riding may be in my future...stay tuned for details.

P.S. Pray for my friend Dylan. He is like another Big brother to me. His Dad died this week, and I am so sad for him.  I wish I could do more but all I can do right now is pray.  When is the last time you told someone you care about that you love them?  Well....what are you waiting for?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The snow is really blowing

   Lots of things have been happening at the farm lately. First of all Rachael's horse snickers was sold, but in her place is a brand new horse, his name is K.J. The snow has really been falling lately and the Lauricella family had to shovel a bunch of snow off the roof because the snow was making it cave in. 

   I am having a lot of fun Kissie, she is amazing, she is the smartest horse I have ever seen. I am getting to know her better every time I go to see her. She tries her best to not spook when shes around me so that he doesn't hurt me. I think that our relationship is really growing, I think we understand each other better. She loves her treats that I give her, they are carrot flavored and she begs me for more and more every time I give her one. she knows exactly where they are and puts her nose there if she wants more, I think that its time to find a new spot. :) I love her very much I wish I could spend everyday with her so that i could spend more time with her and our relationship would grow faster than it is now. I cant wait till next time I get to go so I can see her and have lots of fun with her! 
