Katie and Kissie

Katie and Kissie

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Daring Young Girl on the Flying Trapeeze

Okay, faithful readers, here is the story of my amazing acrobatic feat on the back of my horse.

It was a cold and rainy night....wait, that's the wrong story.....It was a sunny, beautiful morning.  My mom and I went to see Kissy to have a ride, and work on endurance. When we got there I knew right away it was going to be interesting. The farm was having some construction done, and Kissie is not a fan of construction. Roberta had the big, open pasture open for me to train in. I was aware of the construction, so I decided to just keep it to simple endurance work...walk trot.
The first two laps were uneventful, Kissie was high spirited, but nothing out of control.  On the second loop, just as we reached the far side, a lot of things happened at once. A man was digging near the fence, there was a loud noise from the construction, one of kissie's friends gave loud whinny from the barn, and I was in mid post.  SO it was on that turn that she decided to bolt.
"I fell mid air, and landed on my hands....okay, I landed in manure....a big steamy pile of manure."
 While it was pretty gross, it was also pretty soft. :)
She bolted across the field, made a quick stop at the "boy's" barn (we need to have a talk) then ran straight back to the far side where the barn is. My mom caught her there, but Kissie was very pleased with herself.  After convincing my mom I was okay, I got back on her. Why, you ask. Well because if I stayed off she would think it was okay to do that everytime. So I rode her a few more laps, slowly, and we talked. I made tight circles with her whenever I felt like she was becoming antsy.  By the second time around she was calmer and we came to an understanding.

Kissie is a great horse....I went to see her again yesterday, and it was uneventful.  My Grandpa came to watch, which was pretty awesome.  Nanna sent me 2 new saddles...a treeless saddle, and Western saddle. Also  some new reigns, which are my favorite. Thank-you Nanna, and Grandpa :)  I tried the treeless saddle yesterday, it was so light, and I really like the way that Kissie responded to it.  I am excited to try the Western...the more that Kissie and I learn the better.

Till next time....Happy Trails...:)

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