Katie and Kissie

Katie and Kissie

Friday, August 12, 2011

A Horse and Her girl..

SO, you want to know the latest......

Kissie and I have spent a lot of time together this week.  I really haven't ridden her a lot this week, mainly because of construction, and the weather.  But we did....

  • Go on some lazy, carefree walks.
  • Let the wind blow through our hair (manes).
  • Smell the changes in the air.
  • Graze on some nice, sweet grass...Well Kissie Grazed, I watched :)
  • Had some interesting talks about the annoying things of this world. Kissie, of course, agrees with me on everything.
I love how I don't have to be anything to her. She doesn't care where I go to school, or how I do my hair. She just loves me. I know, that may sound weird...especially if you are not a horse person...but she accepts ,me for ME.

I remember when I used to ride at another farm and they would have a whole barn full of schoolies.  Schoolies are horses that are provided to other students of all ages to learn on.  Imagine this, lesson, after lesson, of the same things....day in and day out....like doing the math problem 4x4  one hundred times...eventually you give the answer before the question is asked. One time I barely held the reigns and the horse did everything for me.  She jumped, cantered, walked..everything...like she was a robot. That wasn't always the way it was, but usually.  I know it was good for me...I learned a lot with those patient, well trained horses.  I loved my instructor, she taught me so much.  But sometimes when I would look at them, they would seem old,. tired, dreaming of a week like I had with Kissie...wind in her mane, cantering across the field with no one on her back.....Free...I bet they sometimes dream of that. I promise to never forget to let Kissie have lots of times like that...just to be herself, like she lets me.

Remember to stop and take the time to appreciate the things around you and who you are with. :)


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