Katie and Kissie

Katie and Kissie

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Yesterday I went to see my Best Bud, Kissie, with one of my Best Friends (another horse lover like I am).

When we got there, she was excited to see me, but also very curious to see a visitor with me.
Kissie can be skittish around new people. People haven't always treated her nicely, so sometimes she can be cranky or nervous around them.

However, my friend is a horse person. She has this sweet gentle nature with horses. She looks into their eyes and talks soflty, and I know that they really hear her. Kissie loved her. She immediately recognized a horse person and began to frisk her for treats. I know, SHOCKING!

After giving her treats, and kissie practically wrestling us for more, we learned a new trick...
Well...I learned this with my instructor last summer,  it's Parelli style, which I love, but haven't practiced in awhile. (that's another story)  I didn't tell Roberts this, I could use the refresher, and I think you can always learn something new and not feel like you know it all....trust me I do not know it all.....

Roberta taught me how to use voice commands and hand signals to tell your horse to back up or walk forward....
Teaching your horse to back in ground work...
  • First you take a crop in one hand and the lead line in the other.
  • Then you take the crop and tap gently on the horses chest, and use the word back.
  • Back her up a couple steps, then make her stand still for as long as you want her to, by using the word stand.
  • If you do this process everyday, your horse will eventually listen when you ask her to back.
Teaching your horse to walk forward when you ask her to... 
  • First you take your lead line and pull the end behind you so it's close to the horses butt
  • Then you take the end and shake it toward her butt and say walk.
  • Repeat this process until she learns to walk when you say walk.
There is more to it than that. If your horse is stubborn, (ahem) like Kissie, it takes a while. There are other things to do if she doesn't stand or walks away from you. I actually like the Parelli method better, but we need to brush up on our skills, and implement voice commands so she knows what to do when Roberts asks.

 I had fun with kissie, I can't wait to work Parelli with her again.  It's going to be so much fun!


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