Katie and Kissie

Katie and Kissie

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Is there a Doctor in the house??

Well, today was a little...well scary, crazy, happy all at the same time.  While I was at school, probably in my boring math class, Kissie decided that she wanted to add some "drama" to all of our lives.  Poor girl had her first case of colic...not a fun thing to have in a horse. My mom ran to the rescue...actually I am very proud of her, but don't tell her that would just go to her head. :) She walked Kissie,  for quite awhile, while discussing my bad grade on my math test. :( Well anyways, the vet came and helped her out making us all very happy.

What did we learn?
  • First pawing at the ground maybe a sign for her to be telling us she doesn't feel well
  • Second listen to her side to hear digestion noises - these sounds are a good thing!
  • Third walk her a lot and don't let her lie down
  • Fourth, trust my instincts. I knew somethig was up Monday and I should have spoken up!
  • Finally, I learned I have a pretty great mom who loves my horse like I do (and no she didn't make me write this)
So, I went to see her tonight.  She looks wonderful! She's back to her old self, but it still makes me have goose bumps to think what might have happened.
She did have a moment of confusion and thought she liked my mom better, but we worked that out.  Especially after we had a talk about how well my mom did in her math class.... yeah not so well.
So now we have a new understanding :)

I love you Kissie...stay well.

Oh and for you Grandpa....

I like the other one better.. :)

1 comment:

  1. Leia and I want to know if that is Kissie's foal up on the top?
